As a result I am teaching my children history from the very beginning from a global perspective. This year, in order to chronicle our journey through time I have made a timeline that is literally longer than our house. The first event we put on our timeline was "God Created the World."
The next two events we put on our timeline were my son's birth dates. I had them walk from the beginning all the way to the other side of the house to the time they were born. I think they got the idea that there is a whole world of history that has occurred before they even existed and that's exactly what I want them to understand. Here is a video of the boys running back and forth from the very beginning to the time of their birthdays. The quality is poor, but I had fun editing and putting music to it. The rest of this post gives information on how you can make or buy a timeline of your own.
Making the timeline:
I made it out of extra poster boards I got for free. I cut the poster board into 8 1/2 inch strips, then scored and accordion folded them every 11 inches to made standard 8 1/2 X 11 inch squares. I then taped the strips end to end with sturdy masking tape so that the whole thing folded up into one thick book.
Dating the timeline:
I left the first four pages dateless and labeled it "In the beginning," because there are things in the Bible and in early ancient history that are debatable as far as exactly when they happened. For example: Can someone tell me why Noah's Ark is dated after the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt? That just doesn't make sense! I started dating at 3000 BC and made every page equal one century until 1 AD. Then I changed to fifty years per page. At 1900 I made each page 25 years since I figured we would need more room for the events in the last century. I used a yard stick and colored Sharpies to make the line down the middle using different colors for each millenium.
Timeline figures and other resources:
You can get free printable timeline cards from Hannah's homeschool helps (hannah_hs_helps) yahoo groups. She graciously provides printable cards for many events throughout history. You will need to sign up for a Yahoo groups account, then ask permission to join her Yahoo groups. It took a little bit to figure it out, but it's well worth it. Her timeline resources are found under Files > History > SOTW4 Timeline pics. They are made for use with the Story of the World books by Susan Wise Bauer. (I highly recommend!) Also, Homeschool In the Woods has pre-made timeline pictures you can order along with a host of information on how to make and use a timeline. Check it out!! Classical Conversations sells timeline history cards, although I don't know how big they are. Sonlight also sells timeline figures and they even sell a blank timeline book called The Book of Time if you would prefer a timeline in book form. Their figures are made by Homeschool in the Woods specifically for their curriculum. If you want more information about timelines, I suggest visiting A Book In Time. They have a video that explains how to make your own timeline book and an extensive list of timeline products and resources.
You know me...I am a fan of "the big picture" and am glad you are there to teach my nephews all about history in perspective-). No offense to the Lone Star State but I felt a bit cheated by 1 year of Texas history when I saw the Pyramids at Giza for the first time, for example:-).
ReplyDeleteI hope we get to see the pyramids some day. But, at least I "Remember the Alamo!". Thanks for commenting!